Friday, November 14, 2008

Little Guy is a Little under the weather.

Hello everyone. I don't have any new pictures from the past couple days. We have not be home a lot. Between a few short trips to Maryville for this and that and all of Dad's hunting preparations!!!

Yes Kyler is not feeling to good. Well actually he acts like he is feeling just fine but he has a snot rocket for a noes, a very low grad temp off and one, and then this morning he woke up and his eyes were kind of red. I don't know what is up with that. I called the dr this morning and ask what they thought but the nurse said it was probably just from his cold or allergies. So we will wait it out over the weekend and if he is not better by Monday I will have to get him an appointment. Other then the eye thing I would think it could be some new teeth coming in. Its high time for a new pearly white. He still only has his 6 teeth that he got pretty near all at once a couple months ago.

Well hope everyone has a good weekend. We will be heading out in the morning for Kirksville... considering Kyler is not any worse. It will be a busy weekend as it always is when we got back home. I will hopefully have a few new pictures when we get pack that I can post.


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