I misses a few things in between where i had left off and where i started with my filling in the blanks... So here are a few more blanks filled in..
When we got home the babies were a little jaundice. So we had to get these lovely light "blankets" ... they are not blankets at all... they are a pain! We had these for 5-6 days and then we were good. poor babies had to go in twice to get their heals pricked.
Then we had Wyatt's feet to deal with. When he was born the doctors noticed that his fee turned in. It was not club foot, but a form of it. With club foot it is hard to bend the foot even to a normal position and you won't even see a heal... Wyatt was not like this. His food was very flexible and you could bend it to the "normal" position and he also had a very prominent heal. So they were not real concerned about it but did refer us to Dr
Jarka at Children's Mercy in KC for a second opinion.
Here is a picture of his feet. They said this happened due to his position in
utero. He was baby A(closes to cervix) and was breach. So he and Sister were pushing down on his feed which was tap dancing on my bladder most of the time!
So we went to see Dr
Jarka and she confirmed that it was not club foot but rather a rare form of Metatarsus
Adductus. Not only were his feet turned in towards his big toe, but pivoted so that the bottoms of his feet faced each other. The other strange thing she said was he was the third baby she had seen with this that week! She decided to treat all three babies as if they were club foot so we got these
Fancy casts! They had a hard plaster cast up to his calf, then a softer fiberglass cover that went up past his knees! They looked so uncomfortable! poor little guy hated then by the end of that week. He had also grown so much that they were pretty tight on his thigh by the end of the week also. He had to wear them for a week, then the morning before we went in to see her again we had soak them and remove the fiberglass part. Then keep the plaster part wet until we got to the hospital so they would be easier to take off. We cheated and i took off the fiberglass party the night before to give him some wiggle room. The plan was to re asses and recast for another week... however he had made so much progress that she decided for the second week to just put the fiberglass casts on up to his knee... so he could kick and that was much better!
The day before he had to take the casts off me and
Kyler colored them up and signed them a little for him!
This is after i took the fiberglass top layer off... you can see the smaller plaster booties!
Here he was before we headed to KC to get them removed. We had to soak them, then wrap them in wet wash cloths and then put plastic baggies over them for the trip!
Today his fee still turn in a bit. Our pediatrician did not seem to concerned about them so we just kept doing his stretches as much as we could... that's about impossibly know what he is on the move! But I am still a little concerned so the pediatrician said we could go back and see
dr Jarka if we think it is necessary. I kind of thought they would straiten out more when he started standing on them... but i notice when in his walker and jumper he stands on the side of his foot still. Maybe it will straiten out the more he is on them... but i just don't want to wait too long then he be delayed in walker? or worse yet... trying to do any form of treatment(castes again??) after he is mobile! YIKES! So I have really been trying to prioritize his stretches and am planning on getting him an appointment with Dr
Jarka soon just for reassessment!